Tie Me Down and Make Me Believe
Tie Me Down and Make Me Believe God Bless the person who starts fires that never stop burning the insides of peoples' minds with guilty thoughts of sideways practices and sad thoughts of things never justified on themselves but practical in a sick way for blistering grey matter and permanently etching realities with screwdrivers, creating scars which never go away even though they prophesize the changes everyone wants but no one wants to make sitting there like technicolor dreams more firm in conviction than energy persistantly thumping against the wall of sad life's conscience like a heart under the floorboards of an empty room in sanity's bleeding stone-cold dark corners just beyond the reach of everything ever wished for a better place, even though warning shots fired remind pilgrims that never-starting/ending problems start/end with naive and misplaced concepts of virtue, civility and humanity discarded in the burnt minds of tortured-but-letha...